“Mame Maki”
Today in Japan is the beginning of spring or “Setsubun” 「節分」 in Japanese. Since the Edo era around 300 years ago, every household will prepare “Mame” 「豆」 or soybeans to throw at “Maki” 「まき」 to chase it away and shout “Oni wa Soto!” 「鬼は外」which means to expel bad luck or all the bad things from their house or their family. Then, they will say “Fuku wa uchi!” 「福は家」 which is the welcoming of good things or good luck into their house.
After chasing the giant away and welcoming good luck into their house, they will eat the soybeans which have been thrown. The number of soybeans that they eat must be more than their age by one as a tip for good health. Nowadays, department stores use peanuts in hard shells or soybeans in plastic packages instead for consumer safety.
Additionally, they also eat Maki Sushi called “Ehomaki” 「恵方巻き」 which is the culture that began in Osaka and was spread nationwide by 7-11. There is a proper way to eat Ehomaki. The whole roll must be eaten while the person is turning to a certain direction. Each year, the direction will be different. This year is the year of the snake. So, people have to turn towards the south-southeast and make a wish while eating.
2013.01.24 |
2013.01.23 |
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